
Are you a Freelancer, investor, developer or a IT service provider. We got something for you!
let's unite our goals

IT service provider, consultant or a freelancer

Are You looking for a reliable partner who can provide a reliable platform, functional system, and local support?

With us, You will have a reliable partner who covers all Your suitable service needs. All that with a cost-effective model and means.

cost-effective & flexible

Application developers

We are an ideal solution for those who seek a cost-effective- and flexible hosting environment for their software developments.

We got full API support. You can automate and build almost any type of application, website, or Saas platform. We also support CI/CD and rapid development. In addition to that, we share our profits with partners that grow and host their clients with us.


Tech incubators & investors

Incubators & Investors- we can provide You a platform that can host almost any type of application. All that without a “lock-in” policy.

We seek to provide a cost-effective and hassle-free platform to all small-mid- or already estabished companies.

Made for companies

Estonian company, Estonian people. Ideal partner for business in Europe.
years of experience
0 +

Company behind pilvio is Astrec Data OÜ. More than 6 years of experience as a company and over 200 years of field experience in a team combined.

9 0 %

Datacenter where whole infrastructure is protected N+1. Promised uptime 99.6%.

datacenters in Estonia

Pilvio servers are currently located in Estonia, Tallinn and Jühvi. Additionally, we have direct link with Helsinki.


As EU company, pilvio strictly follows GDPR standards from outside to inside. We also have ISKE-M and PCI-DSS standards covered. team

Let's start

Creating a user is free + for testing purposes, we will add a 30 euro credit to your account after registration.